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Name Irina Skaya
Job Research Technician
Date of Birth 2078 / 11 / 19 ( 24 )
BWH 76 - 57 - 91 / Under 60 / 65C
Height 165
Weight 49kg
Blood type Rh+ O

New Material Engineering Research Technician Living in Sector 5 in industrial district

1. Summary

Irina is New Material Engineering Research Technician. And she is taking pictures and posting them on the Internet as a hobby. She's not that popular, but she has a maniac fans. Maybe it's because her breasts are small.

2. Life

2.1 Early life

Her parents died in an accident when she were young and grew up with difficulties. She was brought up by a distant relative, but they wasn't nice. She spent a lot of time studying at school to minimize her time at home, and she cut her hair short to minimize her washing. Her relatives' families were civil servants. She still hates civil servants because of her childhood memories. Forthemore, There was an older brother in her relative's house, but he had a very bad personality. He abused Irina in many ways. Unfortunately, he had studied well and went to a high position in the police organization. He was the main reason Irina didn't want to go home.

Finally, she goes to a good local university and lives independently. She started posting pictures of herself on the Internet to earn pocket money. She wasn't confident at first, but when she uploaded it, she gained confidence because there were people who liked it. This has continued since she got a job. Now it's not just about money that she posts pictures.

2.2 Present

She is now a new material Engineering research technician, working moderately unnoticed. People around Irina are said to do her job properly. But at the same time, people say it's hard to approach her. It's probably because she's watching out for deeper relationships with people.

3. Personality

She has a haughty face, but timid. She is quick-witted because she has been self-conscious since the past. Now, not as much as before, but she hate doing harm to others. And she doesn't like to owe others. She doesn't argue for her benefit. So she tends to avoid the position as much as possible if there is something unpleasant or embarrassing. She takes pictures so that her personality is not revealed as much as possible. But she looks a little bit subdued and depressed in the picture. After uploading it, she is embarrassed and think a lot about whether to erase it or not.